No new pics today. Have my fingers crossed I might be able to get a snap of Ash this week in all of her baby bump glory.
Ash and I tried discussing names recently. Let's just say that is was not a very productive session. Here's some of the options I proposed.
Maximum: How awesom is that? Maximum Haworth. You don't get any more bigger than that. Maximum.
Shot or Rope: Figure we'd ship the kid directly off to Calgary and he could begin his career in bull riding. 8 seconds or bust wee-man. 8 seconds.
O'ne: That's pronounced Oh-nay. Ash actually didn't completely object to this one. If you drop the apostrophe - what do you get? One. That's just mean. I know. I make myself laugh all the time.
Judge, Inspector, Major, Sergeant, Genenal. All were "vetoed".
Cure or Kire. Nope.
And my favourite. Captain. CAPTAIN HAWORTH. Regardless of the wonderful name(s) this child receives, you can be asured of one thing... and one thing only. I will call him Captain. It practically ordains him tp be captain of one of his future teams. Whether its Captain of the dabate team / chess club or Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs... he'll be revered for his leadership skills. His ability to command respect and authority. Oh Captoin my Captain. Captain America. Captain Canada. Captain Highliner... Cappy!
And it also virually guarantees that by the time he hits his 80's, he will be a retiree in Boca Raton Florida, sitting on a fishing boat wearing a captain's hat. If you ask me, that's pretty sweet.
So where do you come in? Ash and I need some help. Since we haven't landed on a name yet we're asking you for your assistance. Help name Captain Haworth. Leave a post. Send us a comment. Give us a suggestion. We're open ears.