Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween - 2010

A  little too early to get out there and start begging err... I mean trick or treating for candy, although I know Ash and I would appreciate all the goodies Dev currently can't eat.  Thus this year is a wash. 

Dev's going to help mommy hand out candies till around bedtime and daddy is going to yell at kids over the age of 14 who clearly should not be trick and or treating.  Any kid over the age of 14 is going to get candy thrown at them.  Seriously... I`m going to try and take eyes out.  Get  a job I say.  And yes - I will be pointing that out to them.  Oooooooh I can't wait.

Bunch of Halloween photos added for prospertiy's sake.
Happy Halloween from Devin
Ash & Dev our set up
Dev & our pumpkins
Dev & next door neighbour`s pumpkins
Our set up
Bill's set up

Want to point out a couple things above.  Yes.  My pumpkin is barfing O'Henry's.  Ash and I are in agreement that these chocolate bars suck.  I honestly hope the kids steal them tonight.

Bill (he's my next door neighbour) did all of the carving of his pumpkins by hand.  Its insane what he did.  If you have a couple extra seconds, click on the photo to see his work.  Very, very, very impressive.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just because

Oh ya.  He's going to have a faux-hawk at some point.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gotta learn to walk before you can run...

I don't think Dev really wants to crawl.  Little man loves standing.  Loves being walked around and clinging onto things that allow him to be above the ground.  Its pretty cool.  He gets so elated and excited to stand up it`s so cool. 

But I'm starting to think he's going to forego the whole crawling thing.   I know they say ``you got to learn to crawl before you can walk" and of course "you got to learn to walk before you can run", but I think Dev's is forging his own path.  6-months old and standing.  At this rate... he`ll be driving a car by 4.  Oh lord.

So here we have Dev standing in his crib.  Uggghhhh.  Guaranteed I`ve got to drop it down another level.  This kid is going to escape from his crib before we know it.  In case you haven`t noticed... cutest baby ever.  And you can take that to the bank.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20th Update - Our Son is Awesome!

Yuppers.  Its definitely been far far too long since I last updated this blog.  Sad thing is, is that I just don't have all that much time these days to sit, think, write, be articulate and try to be witty.  So here's the updates since my last September post.

Things Devin has accomplished to date:
Making strange noises - check
Sitting up-right - check
Crawling - check
6-month birthday - check
Eating solids - check
Standing - check!
Job - negatory  ;)

So this is how awesome my kid is. Oops.  Going to try that one more time.  This is how awesome Our son is. 

What I want you to understand is that Dev is kind of crawling.  His arms and upper torso get him places, but his hind haunches are just kind of dragged behind.  Not a bad thing.  Not a bad thing at all.  He's getting places and that's all that matters.

But what's more shocking is the fact that at 5.5 months Devin was standing.  Oh ya.  On his own.  Albeit aided by an automan - but standing nonetheless (see below).  That's my boy!  And that's me going hands free.  Maybe there's a chance Dev is going to bypass the whole crawling thing and go straight to running. 

The picture may not do him justice, but what you need to understand is that Devin is completely holding himself up.  No assistance there what-so-ever.  Impressive.  Legend - wait for it - dary!

As I also mentioned in the previous post, Dev's started eating solids.  As you can see in the video attached, Devin is probably the cutest and most amazing child in the world.  The other day we started feeding Dev cereal.  Whooo hoooo!  And he took to it like a natural. Not to get all lame and sentimental... but Ash and I are the luckiest parents in the world.  Enjoy the vid if I can ever get it to work.

Dev's first solid meal - updated!

I know they say that its their first solid, but seriously.  It looks pretty darn watery to me.  6-months and three days old.  We have officially started the camapign to solids.  Or as I like to call it... The campaign to getting a job.  We're one step closer Devin!

Update - Dammit!  I can't get the video to load so I guess this pic is going to have to suffice.  This is after 4 table spoons of cereal and cleaning his face about 5 times.  Here are the number of places the cereal manged to make it:  his hair, his pants, his shirt, the kitchen table, the curio located to the left of him, the floor, the window behind him, my jeans, my shirt and yes.... my face.  I can't wait till we get to spaghetti and meatballs.  He's going to be wrapped in a bubble-room by the time he hits 1 year.