One of my many fears in bringing a child into this world is my inability to listen to children's music. It's horrible. And I know Ash agrees. Don't get me wrong, I know where the creators and producers of it are going. Its simple, its repetitive, its basic, its "fun". Its designed to stimulate and encourage growth within the child and assist them in cognitive learning and vocal playback development. Hell - just saying that makes me want to listen to the crap. Perhaps there's still a fighting chance for my growth and development too. ;)
That said... to me it's like finger nails being run down a chalk board. Let's face it, it just sounds GOD-AWFUL! Boop, beep, click, rattle, boom, pow, click, zing, ahhhhhhh, errrrrrrrrr, GRRRRRRRR!
So there I was last month perusing the Inter-web for childrens lullabye's. I've read the importance of babies having music / white noise / sounds of nature played for them to lull them to sleep. It works. I've seen it in action with my neice and nephew. Oh how music can soothe the savage beast.
Back to the Inter-web... Needless to say, I found a tonne of stuff. Both good and bad. Really bad.
There were cd's offered by every Tom, Dick and Harry who had access to a flute and thought they could easily make a buck off of a children's CD. FYI - 99% of these people should be shot. Don't quit your day job jerk-face.
There was "The Sounds of The Grand Canyon". I say huh? "Sounds by the Sea". Great. Nothing will soothe your child like the sounds of a squawking seagull or the cling-clanging of a water buoy! Genious!
Would it and could it be possible to raise a happy and healthy baby, while at the same time preserving any last chance at my musical sanity? I feared the answer was no. Devin would have to grow up listening to weird and wretched tunes of yester-years gone by.
"The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round. 'Round and round." Kill me now.
But yes. Yes it would be possible! Because then I found this.
Have you ever heard of Rock-a-bye Baby? No? I'm not talking about the good ole' - Rock-a-bye baby in the tree top... blah blah blah. I'm talking about ROCK-A-BYE BABY - BABY!
If you are a parent, then you have to click this link. ROCK-A-BYE BABY Trust me! YOU HAVE TO CLICK THIS LINK! Just do it! Then click on the pink album.... it's frickin' Journey! Jounrey!
Someone out there totally gets me. And God bless them! Everything from Kayne West to U2 to ACDC to The Rolling Stones! All done as nursery rhymes / lullabyes. C'mon! Too awesome!
Thus far, I've managed to "acquire" 32 albums and still counting. Devin - you can thank Daddy later. Perhaps when we're singing a lullabye to Coldplay's Clocks kiddo or Bob Marley's You Could Be Loved.
So one last plug for the company. Thank you! Thank you so much!
FYI - had to insert a pic. Our kid rocks. Devin hugging Blue Bear. Awesome pic honey. Man my kid is cute.