Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Santa Clause.  Ol' St. Nick.  Chris Cringle.  Any way you cut it... he's the guy in the big red suit who dols out all the presents to the good boys and girls of the world.  Well Santa came to Milton and mommy took Devin there. 

Apparently the child before Devin freaked out.  Hey.  Santa can be a scary guy at first glance.  So this other child is screaming.  And Devin.  He sits patiently with mommy awaiting his turn.  So here's the results.  The cutest boy on the planet.   All his pictures were great!  Not a wince, not a cry, not a tear.  Just happy laughy Devin and Santa.  Man we are lucky.

Merry Christmas everyone! 


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from your family in Oijorden, Norway.
    We like your blog and its nice to see pictures of Devin and your family.

    Greetings from Kjell, Anne, Monika, Karoline and Ingvild Oijorden.
