There are these surreal moments I have every once in a while. Today was another one of them. Saw this picture of Cap and thought - whoa - this is becoming more and more real everyday. Someone is going to call Asha "Mommy" and me "Daddy"... at least up and until he's in his teen's and just refers to us as the 'rents or jerks or whatever new-fandagled lingo the kids are going to be using a decade from now. Will he ever think we are cool? Or were cool? Are we cool? Say the word a couple more times "cool". Now it just sounds lame. Are we lame?
I digress. Plan this weekend is to start prepping wee-man's room. The theme you ask? African Safari. Oooooo. I know. ;)
Asha and Cap are doing awesome. Ash is amazing. Her body's aching but she's going about his like a woman on a mission. Objective - healthy and happy baby. I love you honey.
On another note - just wanted to say thank you to everyone for donating their kids things. It is so greatly appreciated. And those who have purchased things from our registry... We Love You. Thank you so so much.
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