Today marks the 3rd anniversay for Ash and I. Over 8 years together and 3 of those official. That's not bad eh. Wow. 3 years and still married. A miracle. Ha! I kid. We're making leaps and bounds and growning our family. Life is good.
The 3rd anniversary is traditionally celebrated with Leather or Crystal. Not sure we need any more crystal thanks to the amazing gifts we received at our wedding. Plus I'm not really sure what to do with crystal stuff? Its so fancy. When I break it out, I think a butler should be serving me. Ash of course quickly quashes this and makes me go do the dishes. Leather... meh. Maybe a nice shoe? The third anniversary celebrates Ideas and Symbols. And thus today's thought...
I have a Symbol in mind. It's the future of Devin Haworth. Multimillionaire and international playboy. Its ok kid-o. We'll start small and work our way to the top. Can you guess what I'm thinking?
Enjoy the pic.

Dolla, dolla bill y'all.
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