Is that not the cutest kid you've ever seen? I know I'm biased and all, but seriously, our kid is friggin' cute! Almost ridiculously so. The other day I was at the grocery store and happened upon a good looking couple shopping. Being the curious guy that I am, I felt the need to do a quick compare and contrast of their child to ours. MAN! Bamn! The kid was ugly. Babies are supposed to be cute right? They're babies for the love of God... their all cute. NOPE! This kid was uggggg-o. I mean in comparison to Devin. The kid was kind of cute (in that way that only a mother could love him / her). ;)
On to Expiration Dates: Is that cheese or milk in the frige really THAT bad? C'mon, I mean really?
I continue to learn new things as Ash and I delve further into parent-dom, like respecting expiration dates. In my former bachelor life, an expiration date was like a suggestion. As long as you were close to that date, the stuff was still good. Bah - Expiration Date... A "Suggestion Date" is what I used to call it. Beacuase let's think about this, does milk really go bad on the day it "Expires". Hell no. I've drank the stuff weeks after its "Expired" and I'm still here.
Did you know I used to work in a grocery store? The stuff we put up on the shelf or back on the shelf and sold to customer would send any germophobe into a complete tizzy. I'm talking off-the-charts, calling-the-government-on-yo'-ass, ridiculous. I guess it was at that point I realized Expiration Dates are mere whimsical thoughts. A borometer with which a person can a take a chance and roll the dice on a food item that may or may not kill them.
"What doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger." "No harm - no foul."
And this was a great maxim to live by when being both single and responsible for the crap I put into my body. A quote from a good friend's high-school yearbook - "So many chemicals... so little time." As a parent or self-respecting adult, feel free to shake your head. Funny at that time, not so funny anymore.
Devin. Put a baby in your care and frivilous nature becomes something of the past. I long for the care free days of eating eggs 2 weeks past expiry. Just cook em up. That oughtta kill any harmful stuff. But now. Now, there's Dev.
Here's how much things have changed. Dev is getting a couple ounces a day of formula. I'm trying to allevaite some of the nursing stress that Ash is carrying by feeding him once or twice a day from the bottle. Which by the way, Dev is completely cool with. No nipple confusion. He's a pro.
The formula has a shelf life of approximately 48 hours. And some days are better than others. No need for the bottle what-so-ever. This results in wasted formula. Bachelor Rob would have said "Screw it! Roll the dice baby!" But now an actual baby is involved. Somehow, someway, and at some-point... you have to respect the Expiration Date.
Hugs and kisses,
Rob & Ash
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